Hello, I've upgraded to the new LTS version of Ubuntu. With that comes a new dovecot version. I think I've migrated my dovecot configuration correctly to the new version. Everything works, except that the mailboxes don't show up in the list of mailboxes in my mail clients. Trying to issue a LIST command, I see the following: CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ SASL-IR LOGIN-REFERRALS ID ENABLE IDLE STARTTLS AUTH=PLAIN] Dovecot (Ubuntu) ready. 1 login USERNAME_HERE PASSWORD_HERE 1 OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ SASL-IR LOGIN-REFERRALS ID ENABLE IDLE SORT SORT=DISPLAY THREAD=REFERENCES THREAD=REFS THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT MULTIAPPEND URL-PARTIAL CATENATE UNSELECT CHILDREN NAMESPACE UIDPLUS LIST-EXTENDED I18NLEVEL=1 CONDSTORE QRESYNC ESEARCH ESORT SEARCHRES WITHIN CONTEXT=SEARCH LIST-STATUS SPECIAL-USE BINARY MOVE] Logged in 2 LIST "" "*" * LIST (\HasNoChildren) " * LIST (\HasNoChildren) " [SNIP... A bunch of other identical lines... roughly as many as I have mailboxes] * LIST (\HasNoChildren) " * LIST (\HasNoChildren) " * LIST (\HasChildren) " 2 OK List completed. I'm not an IMAP protocol expert, but those answers to the list command don't quite look like valid IMAP to me. My imapdir has a bunch of maildir directories in it, like a normal imapdir should. Everything worked fine with the previous version of dovecot (1.2?). Maybe a dovecot bug? At least I don't see how my config could cause this. Any help would be appreciated. The output of "dovecot -n" is included below. Thanks in advance, Christian ----cut here---- # 2.2.9: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf # OS: Linux 3.13.0-34-generic i686 Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS mail_location = maildir:~/IMAPdir:LAYOUT=imapdir mail_plugins = fts fts_squat passdb { args = scheme=SHA512-CRYPT username_format=%u /etc/dovecot/users driver = passwd-file } plugin { fts = squat fts_squat = partial=4 full=10 sieve = ~/.dovecot.sieve sieve_dir = ~/sieve } protocols = " imap" service auth { unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/auth { group = postfix mode = 0660 user = postfix } } service imap { vsz_limit = 2 G } ssl_cert = </etc/ssl/certs/cert.pem ssl_cipher_list = ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:DHE-DSS-AES128-GCM-SHA256:kEDH+AESGCM:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:DHE-DSS-AES128-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256:DHE-DSS-AES256-SHA:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!3DES:!MD5:!PSK ssl_dh_parameters_length = 2048 ssl_key = </etc/ssl/private/ssl.key ssl_prefer_server_ciphers = yes userdb { driver = passwd }