On Mon, 2012-04-02 at 17:23 -0400, Kurt Mosiejczuk
wrote:> I've been looking at moving an old IMAPdir-based solution to dovecot.
> came across references that dovecot (to my pleasant surprise) added
> imapdir support in 1.1. However, in trying 2.0.13 (from an OpenBSD
> package) things start okay, but I see in the logs:
> "Initialization failed: Initializing mail storage from mail_location
> setting failed: Unknown mail storage driver imapdir"
> Poking around in the sources, I still see lots of references to imapdir,
> but see very little in the documentation.
> Is IMAPdir still supported in 2.0.x (or even 2.1.x)? I'd prefer not to
> have to migrate users via renaming, especially since they like the
> IMAPdir layout for their own searching.
mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir:LAYOUT=imapdir