Does Dovecot really provide a 'PUSH' email service? The mobile phone
client (standard with SonyEricsson C510, in this case) reported that
the server (our Dovecot installation) offered PUSH email service. I
hadn't seen that in the documentation that I'd read and had understood
the client-server protocol to be a client-PULL service, in that the
clients decide which folders to retrieve, and check what messages
there are and fetch any new messages. The clients we've used so far
have settings for frequency of these checks.
I didn't explore the option further, yet, being unsure whether there
was a genuine PUSH service from our server or whether the phone was
using a proxy somewhere (not ours) which would provide an intermediate
fetch/aggregation/'pull then push' service of some sort - perhaps
similar to the public offers from Yahoo etc.
regards, Ron