I did a little too much copy/paste, and ended up with an ldap config
file containing a line of the form
user_filter = user_filter = (&objectClass=...
(with "user_filter =" repeated). This caused the auth process to
segfault (v1.1.rc1). I suppose that I can reproduce this problem if
more information is needed.
11:56:33 localhost dovecot: auth(default): ldap(a at invalid, user
search: base=o=hosting,dc=invalid, dc=dk scope=subtree filter=user_filter =
(&(objectClass=JammMailAccount)(mail=a at
invalid)(accountActive=TRUE)(delete=FALSE)) fields=mail
11:56:33 localhost dovecot: child 21296 (auth) killed with signal 11
11:56:33 localhost dovecot: pop3-login: Internal login failure: user=<a at
invalid>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured
(addresses are edited)