I googled for a while in order to find a solution to make dovecot work with
local and virtual users.
My Mailserver setup looks like the following:
virtual users are stored in a mysql database, and having their Mailbox
Local users have a Maildir folder in their home directory.
The only point i found in the web concerning this issue is this post here:
but I failed to understand the user_query. Can somebody who has such a
setup running, or know how such a setup will work give me an advice, or a
good point to read?
ps: Please cc me, I'm not subscribed.
.''`. Patrick Winnertz <patrick.winnertz at skolelinux.org>
: :' : GNU/Linux Debian-Edu Developer
`. `'` http://www.der-winnie.de http://d.skolelinux.org/~winnie
`- Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems