On Wed, 2005-08-24 at 02:04 -0700, Ashvin Meetoo wrote:> My great concern is that if by a virus attachment or spam is not detected
> and sent to everyone at xyz.com, it will be replicated to 50 email
> addresses... what I want is to have the 6 accounts mentionned above to be
> used only by the personnel and not the outside world... is there a way of
> doing this?
However thats a mail delivery issue and will need reconfiguration of
your MTA (postfix in this case). I suggest you ask on a list
appropriate for that.
[BTW Don't get hooked up on having a real account complete with home
directory and forward file. The traditional way of doing this is to use
aliases, and in exim (mentioned because its the MTA I work with) you
would have a set of group aliases in a router with a condition on it to
ensure only legitimate users could send to it).]
An alternative method would be to use a full scale MLM (Mailing List
Manager) such as Mailman ( http://www.list.org/ ) but this is almost
certainly serious overkill for your environment.
[ Nigel Metheringham Nigel.Metheringham at InTechnology.co.uk ]
[ - Comments in this message are my own and not ITO opinion/policy - ]