On Wed, April 12, 2017 1:31 pm, Nicolas Kovacs wrote:> Le 12/04/2017 ? 19:41, Andrew Holway a ?crit :
>> Between the early 1990's and early 2000's the price of a GB of
went>> from ~$100,000 to ~$1000*. I guess a lot of the design decisions made
for>> things like init were focussed on this. In 1995 is was common for
server>> platforms to have 32Mb ram whereas the kernel alone in my PC here at
home>> is consuming just over 500MB. It seems reasonable that software
components>> built in 1997 will not be fit for purpose in 2017.
> Back in 2013 I did some Linux training for a company in Montpellier. The
first week the server racks hadn't been delivered yet, so we were stuck.
In a cupboard, I found an antique Dell Poweredge 1300 server that was out
of service, made around 1997 or so. I dusted it off, found a power cable,
a monitor, a network cable and a keyboard and connected the thing. It had
a P-III 500 MHz processor, 3 x 9 GB SCSI disks and a whooping 128 MB of
RAM, and not a single USB port (only parallel).>
> I happened to have the three CD-Rom set of Slackware 14.0 32-bit, so I
gave that a spin. The installation took quite some time, but after the
initial reboot, I managed to login, and the base system took no more than
15 MB RAM.>
> So the first week we began working the course on this machine (which we
aptly named "grossebertha", because it was a noisy monster). After a
or so, our new hardware arrived, and since the Windows trainer complained
about "8 GB RAM not being enough for a Windows server
installation", we decided just to nag him a bit to see how far we could
take the course on our old machine. In the end, we had NTP, Dnsmasq,
Samba, NIS+NFS, a LAMP stack, Squid, SquidGuard and SquidAnalyzer, and a
few other things running on this old monster.
When Windows 2000 came out some called it "bloated pig". Some 6 years
the road Linux started catching up ;-) Then we stopped laughing about
> Cheers,
> Niki
> --
> Microlinux - Solutions informatiques durables
> 7, place de l'?glise - 30730 Montpezat
> Web : microlinux.fr
> Mail : info at microlinux.fr
> T?l. : 04 66 63 10 32
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Valeri Galtsev
Sr System Administrator
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics
University of Chicago
Phone: 773-702-4247