Zeev Pekar
2015-Jun-08 11:46 UTC
[CentOS] Open-sourced: OpenCL-based multiphysics simulation software package
Dear CentOS community, we would like to announce the recent open-source release of our GPU-enabled multiphysics software - Advanced Simulation Library. http://asl.org.il/ Here are some remarkable benchmarks: http://asl.org.il/benchmarks/multicomponent_flow/ I hope that it will be included in CentOS as a package in some near future (you may join the volunteers from Fedora's SciTech SIG) but till then you might find it useful in its current form. Happy hacking, Zeev ps: Please, "like" us on Facebook, if you find ASL cool: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Avtech-Scientific/828973737156105
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