CentOS - Nov 2012

Friday November 30 2012
8:42PM 1 libreoffice
4:17PM 2 opennx wants to replace nxclient on all my CentOS 6 servers
2:11PM 2 Possible repo polllution
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 93, Issue 16
3:27AM 1 Upgrading from Centos 6.2 64 bit to Centos 6.3 64 bit
Wednesday November 28 2012
8:18PM 2 apache, passenger, and selinux
6:25PM 4 How to disable ipv6
5:56PM 3 CentOS version for sparc
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 93, Issue 15
7:10AM 2 centos 6.3 live-cd no internet connection
12:04AM 3 [OT] Playing mp4's on centos httpd
Tuesday November 27 2012
8:53PM 5 mysqldump file fails to load
3:24PM 4 What's The Odds?
3:17PM 0 (no subject)
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 93, Issue 14
7:02AM 1 crash after update please help!
Monday November 26 2012
11:35PM 1 scary messages from autoconf
6:11PM 1 who's in charge of the fortune d/b?
Sunday November 25 2012
9:14AM 0 KVM (Centos 6.3 64bit): Windowx XP is very slow
4:51AM 3 6.3 installer keeps cycling in a 10 second countdown to boot
Saturday November 24 2012
1:35PM 2 ldap_bind parse result: Decoding error (-4).
Friday November 23 2012
7:24PM 3 Long time away for Centos installs, need some info
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 93, Issue 13
7:52AM 2 centos 6.3, cron and mail script output
1:05AM 4 cannot install glibc.i686 on x86_64
Thursday November 22 2012
4:57PM 0 Dell Lattitude E5430 -- split screen
4:21PM 0 How to prevent host boot problems with virtual client disk?
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 93, Issue 12
9:55AM 1 jwhois requires lynx...
Wednesday November 21 2012
6:17PM 2 Centos 6 Server has no GUI
5:30PM 2 Centos 5 mock seems to be broken
4:40PM 3 ip6tables REJECT target 3s timeout
3:12PM 1 Conntrackd - fail at startup.
12:11PM 0 HP Data protector problem on Centos 6.3
Tuesday November 20 2012
8:56PM 4 selinux policy and httpd
6:22PM 5 Slow login to system without internet connection
8:39AM 4 Ruby rails rpm package
Monday November 19 2012
6:58PM 2 System->Administation->Network
4:14PM 4 How can I prevent apache from mounting all home directories?
2:11PM 0 Yum update without internet connection - realization part
2:05PM 1 Yum update without internet connection
1:48PM 4 "upstream" Storage Server fully OSS?
12:25PM 3 CentOS 6.3 - KDE login screen configuration problems
9:10AM 2 SAMBA and Active Directory Intergration Problem
Sunday November 18 2012
6:36PM 0 a CentOS Singapore meetup
Saturday November 17 2012
3:53PM 2 crush after update
4:02AM 2 iSCSI Question
Friday November 16 2012
5:02PM 1 Raid 5 Q
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 93, Issue 11
Thursday November 15 2012
9:27PM 1 Fwd: Re: Problem installing 6.3 on HP8540w laptop
9:08PM 1 lshw on a newer Dell
9:06PM 1 Extend schema on CentOS directory server
6:36PM 1 Problem installing 6.3 on HP8540w laptop
6:18PM 3 Postfix dont work
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 93, Issue 10
Wednesday November 14 2012
3:01PM 1 Install error - disc 2
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 93, Issue 9
11:38AM 1 One screen disabled on login with NVIDIA TwinView
Tuesday November 13 2012
10:07PM 1 mdX and mismatch_cnt when building an array
7:55PM 2 XFCE4 group missing on Centos 5.x?
2:51PM 1 JPackage repo - is it good?
12:12PM 1 mce error
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 93, Issue 8
Monday November 12 2012
6:38PM 3 Unable to lauch php-script to truncate database
Sunday November 11 2012
2:53PM 0 strange usage stats for thin LV
Saturday November 10 2012
10:17PM 2 gtkpod
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 93, Issue 7
Friday November 9 2012
2:18PM 1 Centos 6 and LTSP
1:41PM 2 Memcached - replication?
1:07PM 1 iptables: recent nolonger supported in Centos 5.8?!
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 93, Issue 6
7:59AM 1 Monitoring bandwidth, latency, packet drop.
1:30AM 3 Installing Java 7 on a system with Java 6
Thursday November 8 2012
10:37PM 1 sudo issue error with securing commands
12:12PM 1 kvm to virtualbox
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 93, Issue 5
10:59AM 4 Centos 6.3 x86_64, drbd, which repo? atrpms or elrepo?
8:53AM 2 Fwd: Different behavior of net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range between RHEL-5 and RHEL-6
Wednesday November 7 2012
11:05PM 1 LibreCAD FOSS
6:56PM 2 CentOS 6 docs?
4:55PM 0 LVM question during an upgrade
3:10PM 2 Install CentOS 6.3 to partitionable mdadm array
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 93, Issue 4
Tuesday November 6 2012
9:56PM 4 apcupsd
2:59PM 2 tcsh
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 93, Issue 3
10:14AM 2 disk device lvm iscsi questions ....
Monday November 5 2012
9:13PM 1 Copying a file to a usb stick
2:56PM 2 bind vs nfs
10:38AM 8 Centos 6: Dell GX270 fails to power down (but reboots)
4:38AM 0 Information error (EDAC MC0 : UE row 0, channel-a= 0)
2:28AM 1 NoMachine Player on Mac OSX 10.7 and strange characters
Sunday November 4 2012
5:23PM 9 Migrate to Linux Server
3:48PM 3 Problem with CLVM (really openais)
3:41AM 1 advice on storage for media storage/streaming server
Saturday November 3 2012
11:17AM 0 mtrr_gran_size and mtrr_chunk_size
3:51AM 3 Desktop Switcher
Friday November 2 2012
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 93, Issue 2
Thursday November 1 2012
12:42PM 2 CentOS and ActiveX
12:00PM 0 CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 93, Issue 1
10:50AM 2 Multiple incremental DVD backup program?