small(?) problem here:
We have several servers which have aliased interfaces (e.g. gigabit: one
alias points to the net the backupserver is in, the other one
to the filer the machine needs for work).
So I'd like to generate this setup with kickstart (yes, I *could* do
that with cfengine or other tools, but want to have the general config
in kickstart).
network --bootproto=static --device=eth1:0 --ip=
isn't really taken well by anaconda, it barfs up some python-backtrace
and stops the installation (it would be neat, if this would be handled
friendlier, as in "would you like to continue even though I don't know
what you mean").
Any solution for that?
Ralph Angenendt......ra at br-online.de | .."Text processing has made it
Bayerischer Rundfunk...HA-Multimedia | ....to right-justify any idea, even one
Rundfunkplatz 1........80300 M?nchen | .which cannot be justified on any other
Tl:089.5900.16023..Fx:089.5900.16240 | ..........grounds." -- J. Finnegan,
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