Stefan Schmidt
2009-May-14 12:58 UTC
[asterisk-users] Problem with Asterisk 1.4 and Linksys Spa941/962
Hello, Yesterday night we have upgraded our Asterisk from 1.2.32 to with lipbri 1.4.10, dahdi-linux-2.2.0-rc4 and dahdi-tools-2.2.0-rc2. Libpri and dahdi is only for dahdi dummy cause of the meetme function. After the upgrade we had the problem that some Linksys spa941 phone at one location could not dial out. incoming calls to the phones works without any problem, but outbound the phone hangs up the call after its connected to the other side. Sip debug shows me the following scenario: -> invite <- 407 proxy authorisation -> ACK -> Invite with auth header <- 100 trying <- 183 session progress with sdp header (correct c and m header) <- 200 OK with same sdp header -> ACK -> BYE <- 200 OK this also happens on music on hold or playback and when trying to bridge 2 channels. this only happens on one location and several (>1000) clients with the same phone had no problem. also a snom360 and xlite could dial out without any problem in the same network. After we had downgrade to 1.2.32 everything works fine again on these phones. my question is, had there been a big change in sip.conf or codec handling which cause this problem, cause i used the same sip.conf just adding notifyringing=yes, limitonpeers=yes and allowsubscribe=yes. Here is my sip.conf with one client: [general] context=incoming realm=softpbx bindport=5060 bindaddr= srvlookup=yes useclientcode=yes defaultexpirey=3600 vmexten=voicemail disallow=all allow=alaw allow=ulaw allow=gsm ;qualify=no ;canreinvite=no musicclass=default language=de useragent=ipanlage callevents=yes nat=yes rtcachefriends=no rtupdate=no rtautoclear=no ignoreregexpire=yes amaflags=omit canreinvite=no subscribecontext=outcust limitonpeers=yes allowsubscribe=yes notifyringing=yes [xxx] type=friend context=outcust nat=yes qualify=yes secret=yyyy username=xxx callerid="bla bla" accountcode=xxx disallow=all allow=alaw allow=ulaw allow=gsm host=dynamic best regards steve smith -- F?r weitere Fragen stehen wir gerne unter voip at oder 059944 - 2440 zur Verf?gung. Mit freundlichen Gr?ssen -- Stefan Schmidt Sysadmin/VOIP // voip at // Tel 059944-2440// ------------------------------------------------- SILVER SERVER GmbH // Lorenz-Mandl-Gasse 33/1 // A-1160 Wien // Fax 059944-9000 // // -------------------------------------------------