On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 5:21 PM, Pavel Jezek <pavel.jezek at i.cz>
wrote:> Hi, according to discussion on asterisk IRC, where people said, that
> macros will be depracated, I tried to migrate from macros to contexts
> and Gosub
> but if I try to use gosub in extensions.ael, ael compiler complains,
> that I shouln't use Gosub app,
> but I can't find ael keyword, that will be Gosub equivalent, or can I
> ignore this ael warnings? thanks
> PJ
> LOG: lev:3 file:pval.c line:2521 func: check_pval_item Warning: file
> /etc/asterisk/extensions.ael, line 36-36: application call to Gosub
> affects flow of control, and needs to be re-written using AEL if, while,
> goto, etc. keywords instead!
In definition use:
macro set_record(A,B) {
// do something
And for calling:
It will automatically be translated to GoSub in 1.6, but will remain
as Macro in 1.4.
Atis Lezdins,
VoIP Project Manager / Developer,
atis at iq-labs.net
Skype: atis.lezdins
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