2010/4/2 Olivier <oza_4h07 at yahoo.fr>
> Hello,
> When reloading a diaplan (asterisk 1.6.1.X), I can see in console :
> [Apr 2 09:02:00] WARNING[2217]: ael/pval.c:2522 check_pval_item: Warning:
> file /etc/asterisk/extensions.ael, line 621-621: application call to Gosub
> affects flow of control, and needs to be re-written using AEL if, while,
> goto, etc. keywords instead!
> What is then the recommended substitution for Gosub() application (when you
> want to return to next statement after routine completion) ?
> www.voip-info.org doesn't mention much about that.
> Regards
Maybe, I should also add the same question regarding Return() application
replacement :
[Apr 2 14:11:12] WARNING[2217]: ael/pval.c:2522 check_pval_item: Warning:
file /etc/asterisk/extensions.ael, line 660-660: application call to Return
affects flow of control, and needs to be re-written using AEL if, while,
goto, etc. keywords instead!
To my knowledge, using return keywords is not a desirable option as you
cannot add a value return :
return foo;
Suggestions ?
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