Hi List, Recently I tried sending sms using app_sms (hardware TDM400P) in Singapore with land line telco provider singtel it worked fine and can send sms in Latin characters 7-bits/8-bits but I am unable to send Unicode (UCS-2 or 16-bits) sms in Arabic or Chinese. the problem is that my mobile show the message with invalid character I have managed to capture the outgoing sms data as following hex values 91 31 01 00 0C 91 29 33 63 81 06 69 00 08 24 D9 85 D8 B4 D8 B1 D9 81 20 D8 AC D8 A7 D8 A6 DB 92 D8 8C 20 D8 AC D8 B3 D9 B9 D8 B3 20 D8 A2 D8 A6 DB 92 0A and for your quick reference I have segmented the sms data as following ????? 91 1001 0001 = ????? len 31 = 48 mix 01 0000 0001 = SMS-SUBMIT mr 00 0000 0000 = 0 da len 0C = 12 da type 91 1001 0001 = International number + ISDN/telephone numbering plan da 293363810669 = +92333618**** pid 00 0000 0000 = 0 dcs 08 0000 1000 = UCS-2 ud len 24 = 36 ud D985D8B4D8B1D98120D8ACD8A7D8A6DB92D88C20D8ACD8B3D9B9D8B320D8A2D8A6DB920A as you can see that app_sms sending this message with dsc set to UCS-2 ud HEX string is also in correct format (I have tested it with third party web2sms service). but it can not be shown on my mobile corectly. so I am unable to determince why I am getting invlide charecters instead of a chines Message. Can you please help me Thanks