Hello, I recently upgraded from Asterisk 1.4.0 to 1.4.15... I am registering to a sip provider in my sip.conf as below [general] register=>user:password:authuser at serviceprovider/extension Later down in my sip.conf I have the definition for that service provider as follows [serviceprovider] type=peer host=x.x.x.x port=yyyy outboundproxy=t.t.t.t . . . With asterisk 1.4 it would know to look in the peer definition for the IP address information... Now it appears that asterisk 1.4.15 is trying to do a DNS looking on "serviceprovider"... Of course that's coming back as an unknown host, and it no longer registers. Any steers as to how I can get asterisk 1.4.15 to look at the peer definition for the address info would be appreciated. Thanks Much!