Ugo Bellavance wrote:> Hi,
> On my linksys/sipura phones/ATA, there is a setting called "NAT
> Mapping Enable" and another called "NAT Keep Alive Enable"
> These settings must be on in my setup so that my phones/ATA remain
> connected to my * server. My setup is:
> Home LAN - Pfsense (NAT, Dynamic Public IP)- Internet - PFsense (1-to-1
> NAT, Static public IP) - Asterisk server.
> I was wondering:
> What are doing those parameters?
> I looked on my Polycom 330 and I haven't found anything similar... Is
> Linksys the only Mfg that has a similar setting? The polycom doesn't
> have STUN settings either. I'm looking to buy some SNOM phones (M3 and
> a wired one), does SNOM phones have something similar?
> BTW, are there public STUN servers, or must I have my one to use it?
> Regards,
> Ugo
I found a part of the answer here:, page 41, but I'm
still wondering how to get many polycoms working in a setup like mine...
Or Aastra, or maybe Snom.