Quoting Michelle Dupuis <support at ocg.ca>:
agree with whoever you choose what the price is, but make most of it
payable on delivery of working code, that will separate those that can
actually do it from those who can't or aren't sure.
even more fair to both parties put the money in escrow so there is no
risk to either party for a well defined deliverable.
I am sure there are many people on the list that are up to the task.
> Can someone advise on how to go about finding someone QUALIFIED to make
> changes to libpri?
> We have a pilot stuck on hold, due to old buggy PRI software on a meridian
> PBX. Upgrading the meridian software is not an option, so....we would like
> to have libpri changed to compensate for the bug.
> Is this a digium only type fix? I've called digium support but they
> offer support for their hardware - they said they can't help with
> fixes (even though we are happy to pay).
> I already tried paying the asteriskguru web site guys for tech support, but
> after $300 all they have done is confirm there is a software bug on the
> meridian. Wow, that was a waste of money....
> I don't want to throw too much more money down a black hole. Can
> suggest where to turn for this?
> Thanks,
> MD
> ** I thought of posting on the commercial asterisk list, but I'm afraid
> every unqualified developer jumping up for the money. Hopefully the user
> community can comment first. **
Jon Pounder
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