William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-722-7209
2007-Mar-05 22:31 UTC
[asterisk-users] IAX2, DTMF and x86_64.
Hi all, I'm just starting to play with 1.4. I installed 1.4.1 on an Ia32 machine, and can't find any problems. So, I decided to upgrade my home pbx. All went well until I tried using my S101 to talk to the IVR. Some times, the first one or two digits get through, but eventually a digit will get stuck, playing continuously until the call is terminated. I have confirmed this on another x86_64 machine that I connect with. Also, when I reloaded IAX2, Asterisk crashed with a message about a double linklist and an ugly trace. Unfortunately, the crash didn't make it into the logs. Any ideas? -- Bill in Denver
William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-722-7209 wrote:> Hi all, > > I'm just starting to play with 1.4. I installed 1.4.1 on an Ia32 > machine, and can't find any problems. So, I decided to upgrade my home > pbx. All went well until I tried using my S101 to talk to the IVR. > Some times, the first one or two digits get through, but eventually a > digit will get stuck, playing continuously until the call is > terminated. I have confirmed this on another x86_64 machine that I > connect with. > > Also, when I reloaded IAX2, Asterisk crashed with a message about a > double linklist and an ugly trace. Unfortunately, the crash didn't make > it into the logs. > > Any ideas?Report the bug and revert to 1.2.x on your home pbx :\ -Stephen-
----- "William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-722-7209" <wacker@octothorp.org> wrote:> I'm just starting to play with 1.4. I installed 1.4.1 on an > Ia32 machine, and can't find any problems. So, I decided to upgrade my > home pbx. All went well until I tried using my S101 to talk to the IVR. > Some times, the first one or two digits get through, but eventually a digitIf you're willing to do some testing, please upgrade to the latest code from the 1.4 branch. The issue should be fixed now. svn co svn.digium.com/svn/asterisk/branches/1.4 asterisk-1.4 If you still have a problem, please note it on this bug report: bugs.digium.com/view.php?id=8521 -- Russell Bryant Software Engineer Digium, Inc.