So, I just got my GumStix Stuart BT today: For a non-telephony (Bluetooth based) project. I'm browsing the SVN website for Gumstix and lo and behold, there is Asterisk! I'm excited. Has anyone ever tried it on a GumStix before, and if so, care to share tips? If anybody is curious, this is a PC the size of 2 packs of Wrigley's Spearmint Gum put together. Runs off of a wall-wart. Just got mine booted and I'm tty'd into the serial port. Boots in 8 seconds!
> > > For a non-telephony (Bluetooth based) project. I'm browsing the SVN > website > for Gumstix and lo and behold, there is Asterisk! I'm excited. Hasanyone> ever tried it on a GumStix before, and if so, care to share tips?I'd not heard of these before. Do you know if a BRI adapter can be obtained for them? Thanks James