Hi i am experiencing some problem with asterisk and misdn i've patched and recompiled the kernel on the server i use a BN8S0 card with alla channels in TE mode. i can load hfcmulti and mISDN_dsp i load this with: /sbin/modprobe hfcmulti layermask=0xf protocol=0x22 type=0x08 and then /sbin/modprobe mISDN_dsp dmesg returns me the following: Modular ISDN Stack core $Revision: 1.34 $ mISDNd: kernel daemon started mISDNd: test event done mISDN: HFC-multi driver Rev. 1.40 0 devices registered mISDN_dsp: Audio DSP Rev. 1.17 (debug=0x0) EchoCancellor MG2 mISDN_dsp: DSP clocks every 64 samples. This equals 2 jiffies. i've edited misdn.conf with basic standard configuration and when i try to start asterisk with: asterisk -cvvvvvvvv i obtain: [chan_misdn.so] => (Channel driver for mISDN Support (Bri/Pri)) mISDN_close: fid(18) isize(131072) inbuf(0x816bfe0) irp(0x816bfe0) iend(0x816bfe0) Jun 1 02:35:35 ERROR[2736]: chan_misdn.c:3715 load_module: Unable to initialize mISDN Jun 1 02:35:35 WARNING[2736]: loader.c:414 __load_resource: chan_misdn.so: load_module failed, returning -1 Jun 1 02:35:35 WARNING[2736]: loader.c:554 load_modules: Loading module chan_misdn.so failed! can you help me to guess the problem? thanks nik