I had to add this same feature recently for a client that has centrix
lines and wanted to use the conference feature of the centrix lines
which requires a flash, here is the setup:
<> ADIT 600
When someone is on the phone from the Avaya system they wanted to be
able to flash the centrix line. Here is my
exten => s,1,Noop(${CALLERID(all)})
exten => s,2,Noop()
exten => s,3,Noop()
exten => s,4,Set(DYNAMIC_FEATURES=inflash)
exten => s,5,Dial(Zap/g2,,t) ;Zap/g2 is the FXS card on the Adit600
exten => _1NXXXXXXXXX,1,Set(DYNAMIC_FEATURES=outflash)
exten => _1NXXXXXXXXX,2,Macro(dialoutbound,${EXTEN:1},,${LTRUNK})
exten => s,1,Noop()
exten => s,2,Dial(${ARG3}/${ARG1},,T)
exten => s,3,Goto(${DIALSTATUS},1)
exten => s,103,Goto(3)
Here is my features.conf:
inflash => *4,caller,Flash,()
outflash => *3,callee,Flash,()
When a call comes in and they want to flash the line then they press
*4, if they call out and they want to flash the line then they press
I had to put in the t or T above so that asterisk stays in the media
path and listens for the *3/4.
Keep in mind:
1. It doesn't matter if you put in T or t, both the caller and the
callee can press *3/4 to activate this features, in your case this is
a huge security problem. As someone that needs access to the door
could just press the door call button, and then use *3/4 above to
flash the line and get in.
2. The flash app only plays on FXO ports, which means that you might
have to play around with the inflash and outlash callee/caller
I'm not sure if you have any FXO ports in your config, but if you
don't it wont work.
Hope this helps.
On 2/21/06, Stefan M?rkle <stefan.maerkle@netpioneer.de>
wrote:> Hi everyone,
> our setup includes a NEC PBX connected to our asterisk via bri lines.
> The NEC has a doorphone feature, which is just an extension that calls you
when someone rings. When connected to this extensions, a 'flash'
signalling opens the door.
> So now, i'd like to trigger this from asterisk, too, but unfortunately
wasn't able to do so.
> Setup: asterisk 1.2.4-BRIstuffed-0.3.0-PRE-1k, Quad-Bri Junghanns Card,
Bris set on p2pte.
> What I tried and didn't work:
> * Using Flash() in dialplan - doesn't work since channel is Dial()-ed
and doesn't allow applications at that very moment
> * Typing *0 on phone => zap channel doc says this should send flash, but
doesn't seem to work in bridged scenarios (ZAP=>*=>ZAP or
> * Typing # on phone => as of documentation, this sometimes emulates
flash => not in my setup
> * Tried the above from snom sip phone, sip ata with analogue phone and
flash-key, mobile phone called in via another zap channel => no difference
between the incomings
> Has somebody any hints for me?
> Stefan
> --
> Stefan M?rkle Netpioneer GmbH
> Leitender Systemarchitekt Beiertheimer Allee 18
> <stefan.maerkle@netpioneer.de> 76137 Karlsruhe
> *** Besuchen Sie uns vom 09.03.- 15.03.2006 auf der Cebit 2006 in Hannover.
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