We're trying to use some AudioCodes MP104 FXO units as gateways to Asterisk but cannot get them to reliably detect DTMF. Some landline calls get most digits but some are duplicated. Some cell phone calls get 0% DTMF recognition. Anyone with experience with these units have any suggestions? ABP Technical Support has been unable to diagnose the problem and is now sending random guesses and requests to try unrelated things in a desperate attempt to fix the problem, all to no avail. -- George Pajari, netVOICE communications 604 484 VOIP (484 8647 x102) Open Source VoIP/Telephony Specialists 1 877 NET VOIP (638 8647 x102) www.netvoice.ca www.ip-centrex.ca www.digium.ca www.grandstream.ca www.sipura.ca www.snom.ca