I work for a telecom company that allows me to peer my Asterisk box to
their system for free. Pretty neat. I have everything working except
that I can't get inbound VoIP calls using the DID number that my
company assigned for me. Today, I finally discovered the source of
the problem: For various reasons (according to the technical person
who figured this out for me), the company's gear is not doing a SIP
rewrite to fix NAT issues when they get messages from a SIP endpoint
of type Asterisk.
Because of workload issues (and this being a fun project for me
personally, rather than a revenue producing project for the company),
they aren't going to fix this problem any time soon. So, I am told,
the only solution is for me to change the Default Useragent to
something other than "Asterisk PBX."
Would there be any other nasty consequences of making that change?
More importantly (perhaps), is there any way to make the change in
Asterisk@Home without doing a recompile (and potentially screwing up
my system beyond my ability to repair it)?