Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1172 matches for "gear".
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2005 Nov 10
I am trying to write a for loop with if else statements to calculate
biomass density estimates for different types of sampling gear.
My code is:
bmd=for (i in 1:length(Gear)){
if (Gear==20) {bioden=Biomass/141}
else {if (Gear==23) {bioden=Biomass/68}}
else {if (Gear==160) {bioden=Biomass/4120}}
else {if (Gear==170) {bioden=Biomass/2210}}
else {if (Gear==300) {bioden=Biomass/(DIST_TOW*4*1853)}}
else {if (Gear==301) {bioden=Bi...
2010 Oct 21
nested anova
...eat at stats to
begin with, and I?m also learning the R ropes (former SAS user).
Here?s what I need help with? I have a nested sample design and ran a
nested anova, but I don?t know how to interpret the results
habitat (four different types) is nested in site (three types), and site is
nested in gear (two types)
My code: pat2<-aov(catchrate~habitat/site/gear, data=pat)
This created the following outcome:
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq
F value Pr(>F)
habitat 3...
2005 Nov 21
Warning message help
I am trying to great a new column of effort data from an existing vector
of gears used.
It is a simple code where
The code appears to work for some of the data but fails for others and
inserts a NA value
I also get this warning message
Warning message:
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replac...
2012 Nov 04
Apply same linear model to subset of dataframe
...oop, a function or plyr) to achieve the same output as below?
# Apply the same model to the dataset but choosing different combinations of
dependent (DV) and independent (IV) variables in each case:
lm.mpg= lm(mpg~cyl+disp+hp, data=mtcars)
lm.drat = lm(drat~wt+qsec, data=mtcars)
lm.gear = lm(gear~carb+hp, data=mtcars)
# Plot residuals against fitted values for each model
plot(lm.mpg$fitted,lm.mpg$residuals, main = "lm.mpg")
plot(lm.drat$fitted,lm.drat$residuals, main = "lm.drat")
plot(lm.gear$fitted,lm.gear$residuals, main = "lm.gear")
# Plot residu...
2005 Mar 25
uniden voip gear
Anyone used any of the Uniden VoIP gear, any comments one how easy it was to
integrate with asterisk? Also quality of the gear in general?
This unit _looks_ pretty nice on paper
Harondel J. Sibble
Sibble Computer Consulting
Creating solutions for the small busine...
2009 Dec 18
google gears on 64 bit centos 5.4?
On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 9:15 AM, James Hogarth <james.hogarth at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have google gears installed on our 64bit firefoxes on firefox 3.5.5 in
> centos 5.4 with flash 10 - all from rpm ;)
> Works very nicely......
Sorry, I think I am missing something. What is the rpm/package called?
So is it i386 installed on x8664, or what? Google's website still
claims it requires a...
2008 Feb 05
help with oop in R - class structure and syntex
..., I am wondering if the R programmig
experts could help me out by comparing and contrasting the oop syntex in R
with that of Java. For example, the basic class structure in Java is like
public class Bicycle {
// *the Bicycle class has three fields*
public int cadence;
public int gear;
public int speed;
// *the Bicycle class has one constructor*
public Bicycle(int startCadence, int startSpeed, int startGear) {
gear = startGear;
cadence = startCadence;
speed = startSpeed;
// *the Bicycle class has four methods*
public void setCa...
2009 Jul 09
Lattice xyplot: same scales within one factor
I am using R 2.8.1 and lattice to produce xyplots conditioned on
two factors. What I would like is to have the scales be free between values
of one factor, but some within. Thus, in the example:
xyplot(mpg ~ disp | factor(gear) + factor(cyl), mtcars,
rather than having the x scales be free within a gear as well, I want it to
be the same for the gear, but free between cyl (and thus only have x scales
below the bottom panels with no scales or white space in the middl...
2020 May 30
[Bug 3174] New: Enable OpenSSH to connect older gear having limitations on host RSA key length, implemented, see the pull request.
Bug ID: 3174
Summary: Enable OpenSSH to connect older gear having
limitations on host RSA key length, implemented, see
the pull request.
Product: Portable OpenSSH
Version: 8.3p1
Hardware: Other
OS: All
Status: NEW
Severity: enhancement
2009 May 11
Gears Of War
...ost as you can see. I looked briefly at the wiki and did a forum search, so please forgive me if this has been asked before. I am not a Microsoft fan, as I'm sure many here are not. I would like to leave Windows completely behind but for games. My question is, is there any chance of getting Gears to run with wine? I suspect that the Games for Windows titles are extra difficult. I looked in the database and noticed there was an unsucessful attempt already. I will help any way I can, (although I don't know how useful I'd be) but I just want to know before hand if there is any chan...
2014 Jul 09
error com un archivo
...uot;) {DBx$Time<-paste(DBx$Time, ":00",
sep="")} #NOT necessary for Monicap and Univerest_50
DBx$Time<-times(DBx$Time) #Works for Monicap AND UNIVEREST_50 ONLY
DBx$Boat<-gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", DBx$Boat)
#Read file with boat codes and gears
codeBoats<- read.csv("CODES_2002-2010New.csv",
sep=",",header=TRUE) #Laptop
codeBoats$CODIGO<-gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", codeBoats$CODIGO)
#Assigning a Fishing license based on Boat and Year
2016 Mar 11
CentOS 7 and display managers
...t;> I've just yum groupinstall "KDE Plasma Workspaces" on one of my
>> user's new system... and I cannot figure out, not in googling, and
>> there's nothing vaguely obvious anywhere, how to change to KDE from
>> gnome.
> With gnome there is a "gear wheel" on the password entry page -- on
> the right below the password box, next to the "sign in" label. If I
> select it I can switch between gnome and mate. Does KDE show there as
> an option?
Fascinating. Not in ours. It displays our issue, and in the upper left,
some ic...
2013 Jan 20
Lattice levelplot- remove unused levels per panel
I am using levelplot, and would like remove from each panel (condition) its
unused x levels.
Remove from panel vs=1 the cyl level=8.
Thanks for your help,
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Lattice-levelplot-remove-unused-levels-per-panel-tp4656087.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2012 Mar 07
confidence intervals in dotplots in a for loop
# I have some population estimates and confidence intervals for various
size classes
# of animals captured with two gear types. I'd like to plot the
estimates along with
# the 90 and 95% CI's by size class for each gear type.
# The data can be read in as:
estimates <-
2010 Jan 20
Merge and join data
...ctions and
the merge functions don't seem to be working. I've included a basic
example of what I'm trying to do below. Thanks!
I'd like to end up with...
2005 Sep 04
donating VOIP gear to the relief efforts.
Hey folks,
The reason I ask, is I'm on my way down to north western LA to
donate/help setup gear from a WISP used to own/operate.
VOIP is being mentioned quite a bit. So if you have any spare gear,
please donate it.
We are using this site to coordinate I'm sure there are others:
2007 Jan 06
SIP trunk to a Boscom/Claro/IP Gear Robocom
Hi all,
I'm having a hell of a time trying to get a SIP trunk working between
Asterisk and a Boscom/Claro/IP Gear Robocom. (the company that owns the
things has changed names at least twice since we've had them!)
The units are the backbone of our legacy PABX network and with the
introduction of Asterisk at our largest site, I'm trying to get Asterisk
to communicate directly with the units rather th...
2007 Dec 18
Google Gears with RoR
Has any one successfully used Google Gears with RoR to enable
''offline'' mode for their web application? Please share your thoughts/
experiences with using Google Gears or Dojo offline with RoR to move
your application offline. I''d be interested in enabling offline mode
(basically to download and store huge files...
2003 Nov 16
Echo/fault isolation test gear
This is off-topic for Asterisk, but since echo problems with the
X100P cards seems to be a common issue and one which people blame on
telco loops, I'd suggest getting the following gear: a 3M Dynatel
subscriber loop test unit.
The 745 is the one I have experience with, and if you have a fairly
decent clue of what you're doing, you can test line silence,
resistance, voltages, polarity, etc. Well worth a few bucks. There
are other models of the Dynatel line, many of whic...
2003 Dec 07
Vonage sending Motorola gear now?
I got a call from an ISP friend tonight who said he is getting calls
from people who are getting signed up with Vonage. Instead of sending
them ATA186s, apparently they're receiving something made by Motorola.
They apparently work significantly differently than the Cisco units, and
there have been some problems.
Anybody know anything further?