> Hello all,
> When I call the Broadvoice number all is good.
> When I try to call out through DISA on my broadvoice line i get the
> Executing Dial("SIP/",
> "SIP/16037862111@proxy.bos.broadvoice.com|30") in new stack
> -- Called 16037862111@proxy.bos.broadvoice.com
> -- Got SIP response 480 "Temporarily Not Available" back from
> -- SIP/proxy.bos.broadvoice.com-3493 is circuit-busy
> == Everyone is busy/congested at this time
> -- Executing Busy("SIP/", "")
in new stack
> == Spawn extension (outgoing, 16037862111, 102) exited non-zero on
> 'SIP/'
> Is this as simple as it seems? Broadvoice is circut busy? Can any
one think > of any other reason I might get this message? Or do I just need to
call > BroadVoice and complain? I have tried two different proxy's (ip's
> /etc/hosts) and get the same error.
> in extensions.conf:
> [outgoing]
> exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX, 1, dial(SIP/${EXTEN}
@proxy.bos.broadvoice.com,30) ; > exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX, 2, congestion() ; No answer, nothing
> exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX, 102, busy() ; Busy
> in sip.conf:
> [general]
> context=default ; Default context for incoming
calls> port=5060 ; UDP Port to bind to (SIP standard
port is 5060)> bindaddr= ; IP address to bind to
( binds to all)> srvlookup=yes ; Enable DNS SRV lookups on outbound
calls> ; Note: Asterisk only uses the first
host> ; in SRV records
> ; Disabling DNS SRV lookups disables
the> ; ability to place SIP calls based on
domain> ; names to some other SIP users on the
Internet> register =>
> [broadvoice1]
> type=friend
> username=603XXXXXXX
> fromuser=603XXXXXXX
> host=proxy.bos.broadvoice.com
> fromdomain=sip.broadvoice.com
> context=broadvoice
> dtmfmode=inband
> disallow=all
> allow=ulaw
> canreinvite=no
> nat=yes
> [bv-in-1]
> type=friend
> host=sip.broadvoice.com
> context=broadvoice
> dtmfmode=inband
> canreinvite=no
> nat=yes
Try adding this line to sip:
see if that helps. if not, try a standard registration string instead
of the one broadvoice tells you to use.
Also - make sure you're using the password they sent you in an email -
not the one you used when you signed up on their website.