> I has Asterisk up and running on my IP address.
> I put a Linksys router in front of it and forward the following ports
> 22 TCP
> 5060 UDP
> 10000-20000 UDP
> 80 Both
> None of my x ten phones work. They register but I get an message
> Authentication Required
If you rearch the xten product's technical implementation, you'll see
where it uses udp packets somewhere in the 8,000 range while asterisk
uses 10,000 to 20,000. The exact port range is not a SIP standard and
the ports selected are purely up to each vendor.
So, if you _only_ have remote xten products contacting your asterisk
box, then your firewall probably does not need the above 10000-20000
range, but rather the range used by xten.