On 2005.01.18 08:36 Walt Reed wrote:
> I'm thinking of hooking up the faxmodem to the line directly, then
> hooking the X100P to the modem's Phone port.
From what I've been able to determine, Asterisk would be most unhappy
if you did that. On X100Ps that "phone" jack/port needs to simply be
ignored. I have a telephone connected to mine, but it's only there in
the off-chance of an emergency, power outage, or to troubleshoot
problems with the FXO.
> Can I enable fax detection and use the fax extension to spawn an
> external
> command (halafax) to receive the fax?
Uh, well, in the obvious way yes, but not in the way that you seem to
be wanting to hear.
exten => s,1,Answer
exten => s,2,wait(5)
exten => s,3,....
exten => fax,1,Dial(FXS_PORT)
Where "FXS_PORT" is an FXS port where a HylaFAX-controlled modem is
connected... or any other fax device for that matter.
The problem is, though, that there seems to be a significant amount of
data loss when receiving with this configuration... even using ULAW.
Now, an ECM-aware fax device may compensate well-enough, but there's
still a problem.
> What is the state of fax detection with the stable branch of * on an
> X100P? Does it work reliably?
Fax detection is generally okay, but there are some problems. See: