> Back to the ACTUAL TOPIC of this thread... This phone looks kinda nice,
> where can one get hold of it? How about it's * compatibility?
The phone works with Asterisk without problem, e.g. the standard (very
simple) sip.conf entry that DeStar creates worked out of the box with
this phone.
> I realize that it says it does things like 3-way conference and attended
> transfers, but how about in *?
I have not yet found this feature. At least they don't have function
buttons for this.
The manual, althought english, won't be displayed by Acrobat or
KGhostView. Some unavailable character set ... (I have quite ancient
versions of KGhostView, ghostscript and Acrobat installed here, but then
again: other PDFs display correctly).
Maybe I find another source for the attended transfer, the phone uses the
standard PA168 software, which is very similar (if not identical) on all
those phones.