I am forwarding my calls from my packet8 phone number to my Free World Dialup account using the Packet8 FWD interconnect codes. I have asterisk registered with my FWD account via IAX2 and have also tried with SIP. When a call comes in Asterisk interprets any DTMF tones twice. IE: someone types 1 asterisk thinks they pressed 11. I have tried the echo test and do not hear any keybounce or echo. I can forward the call to FWD's coffeehouse at 514 via IAX2 and DTMF works fine and there is no echo. I hope I have provided enough information and maybe someone will have a solution. I thought maybe I could tweak the DTMF recognition but that doesn't look possible without recompiling dsp.c every time I make a change to test it. - Jason Garland FWD# 273307