I'm not sure how I can handle timeouts and invalid extensions for my Zaptel channels... Their default context is [internal], and in internal I have defined extensions i and t to handle timeouts and invalid extensions. However, the default for the Zaptel channels is "immediate=no", so the default context is only "run" when input has been entered. This means that the i and t extensions are not considered until a number has been entered. After a while, or on an invalid entry, I get a hangup instead of the flow of control I wish. If I create an extension to do a goto(s,1), then i and t will act as I expect. This has also been a problem for setting variables in the s extension in that default context, because the s extension is not "run". I can set "immediate=yes" it the context will start executing at the s context and the i and t extensions are handled as I expect. However, this has implications with the dialtone in that there is none. The FXO channels begin exectuing their default context immediately. Is there a "routine" way to do this? -Michael