> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rich Adamson [mailto:radamson@routers.com]
> Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 10:26 AM
> To: Asterisk-a-users-list
> Subject: [Asterisk-Users] Nortel Option 61C PBX?
> Anyone interfaced * to the Nortel option 61c pbx via T1's, pri, etc?
> Need to begin planning the implementation, purchase cards, etc. Any
> recommended approaches, configuration problems, etc?
We have had * interfaced to an Option 11C here in our corporate headquarters
in _non-production_ use for some months. We have the Nortel TMDI card with
software D-channel. We're on Release 25 Issue 30+. A 61C should be no
different, given similar cards and software versions.
After a patch to libpri by Martin Pycko at Digium (to deal with odd but
apparently technically correct 5ESS behavior by the Nortel switch), we've
been successfully using 5ESS-mode PRI. The Nortel side is configured as a
PRI TIE trunk, user side, and * is the network side (signalling=pri_net).
NI2 might also work, but we ended up using 5ESS instead. Caller id is
transmitted to and from SIP extensions on * and also over IAX2 trunks
through to Nortel digital sets.
We started with a T100P, which worked fine, and a while back upgraded to a
TE410P, which also works fine. Once in a while, the Nortel card will go
into red alarm, but I believe this is a problem with our 11C because we
always need to disable and FDL the whole TMDI card, and because the * always
comes right back up when the 11C gets itself straightened out.
Tomorrow I will be interfacing the remote side IP-PBX gateway to an 11C
Compact with a DTI card (just E&M signalling, no PRI). After some testing,
both gateways will go into production, carrying 4-6 concurrent calls over an
IAX2 trunk. I'll let the list know how it goes.
Randy Johnson
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