I've been having issues getting FWD to work. I posted this same Q to the
FWD forum (no responses yet), but I was hoping someone here had some insight:
I just signed up for an FWD account (I know I had one before, but I lost
it.. :)
I've got it running through Asterisk - all working fine from a SIP
standpoint. I can dial FWD numbers like 612/613/etc and everything
works. However, if I dial *18005551212 or *408xxxxxxx (say, a USA number),
I either get a fast busy or a "This service is only available to FreeWorld
Dialup members".
Am I missing something? I signed up, got my password .. the sip is
registered, firewall is open, no NAT, etc. I've tried a variety of combos
in dialing/etc .. to no avail. Is my account pending some type of
activation or such?
Possibly / likely related, it seems that the "*" doesn't work when
trying to set up the voicemail either. I'm using a Cisco 7960 (but
remember, it's actually Asterisk linking us together). The 7960 does have a
"*" dialplan, so that shouldnt be an issue.
Any ideas you guys have would be great!
Here's what my sip.conf looks like:
It shows that it's registered in sip sho reg..
fromuser=99999 ; I dont need this .. but worth a shot, tried with and without
nat=yes ;I'm not behind nat, but I thought I'd try it anyway
fromdomain=fwd.pulver.com ; Don't need this either. .but what the hay
canreinvite=no ; worth a shot, right?
I then have an extension that does:
exten => _7.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@fwd)