In my latest version of R (2.11.1) on OSX, loading a dynamic library twice, or unloading a loaded library causes R to get stuck. Thus, if testR.c is: --- #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <R.h> #include <Rinternals.h> #include <R_ext/Rdynload.h> void R_init_testR(DllInfo *info) { fprintf( stderr, "got to load\n") ; } void R_unload_testR(DllInfo *info) { fprintf( stderr, "got to unload\n") ; } void test() { } ---- and I compile it with R CMD SHLIB testR.c and then inside R call:> dyn.load("")got to load> dyn.load("")got to unload [this never terminates] (The R_init_testR and R_unload_testR are not the culprit - I get the same problem without them) Did I do something wrong? Thanks, Michael