Greeting to everyone. I am looking for geoR users In geoR package there is a function called grf() According to the geoR short manual grf() takes the following arguments * n number of points (spatial locations) in each simulations. * grid optional. An n × 2 matrix with coordinates of the simulated data. * nx optional. Number of points in the X direction. * ny optional. Number of points in the Y direction. What I want to create is a matrix (at least this is a matlab in matrix) that contains values created from grf(). The array is of dimensions x*y so the grf() needs to create a x*y map. If you see the parameters again you will notice that there is a n (n number of points) and nx and ny also. If I put nx=400 and ny=200 (this is just an example) the grf() will return values for 400 cells (for some reason picks the highest values of nx and ny). If I try something like n=x*y I get the message that the RandomField package must be used. Really do you what the parameter n is about (number of points))? I would like to thank you in advance for your help Alex [[alternative HTML version deleted]]