Hi, Using the 0.10.4 gem under ruby 1.8.5 (2006-08-25) [i686-linux], I get different results with a TermQuery and a search string. Namely, using a search string seems to always work whereas using a TermQuery often doesn''t return any entries. For example: > x=@i[450][:message_id] => "9e7db9110509070759732b21c4 at mail.gmail.com" > @i.search("message_id:#{x}") => #<struct Ferret::Search::TopDocs total_hits=1, hits=[#<struct Ferret::Search::Hit doc=450, score=6.51688194274902>], max_score=6.51688194274902> > @i.search(Ferret::Search::TermQuery.new(:message_id, x)) => #<struct Ferret::Search::TopDocs total_hits=0, hits=[], max_score=0.0> But sometimes it works fine: > x=@i[123][:message_id] => "c715e64050831145815d9262c at mail.gmail.com" > @i.search("message_id:#{x}") => #<struct Ferret::Search::TopDocs total_hits=1, hits=[#<struct Ferret::Search::Hit doc=123, score=7.21260595321655>], max_score=7.21260595321655> > @i.search(Ferret::Search::TermQuery.new(:message_id, x)) => #<struct Ferret::Search::TopDocs total_hits=1, hits=[#<struct Ferret::Search::Hit doc=123, score=7.21260595321655>], max_score=7.21260595321655> So how come the first search doesn''t return anything? FWIW, I am creating the index like this: field_infos = Ferret::Index::FieldInfos.new :store => :yes field_infos.add_field :message_id # ... field_infos.create_index dir @i = Ferret::Index::Index.new(:path => dir) Thanks for any help! -- William <wmorgan-ferret at masanjin.net>