Ferret talk - Aug 2006

Wednesday August 30 2006
5:51PM 7 AAF Sorting by date - what am I doing wrong?
3:29PM 7 Hyphens
2:22PM 1 Are the results in the order of relevancy
9:46AM 5 [0.10.x] Index#search with wildcard bug
Tuesday August 29 2006
7:39PM 7 uninitialized constant UNTOKENIZED
12:27AM 2 Excluding values from search term
12:06AM 6 adding new items to index breaks searches with *
Monday August 28 2006
1:54PM 3 Can'' t install.
12:49PM 1 stop words and /''s
9:56AM 1 How should this be done with ferret 0.10.1
9:05AM 1 strange 10 limit
7:26AM 12 Help with Multiple Readers, 1 Writer scenario
Sunday August 27 2006
10:09PM 6 how to get the words of a query
Saturday August 26 2006
3:28PM 7 Erratic behavior with ferret 0.95 and acts_as_ferret
2:12PM 8 [0.10.0] Index#search is not thread safe ?
12:42PM 4 [0.10.0] Index#add_document bug with strange value ?
Friday August 25 2006
3:51PM 1 Ferret-0.10.1 released
2:02PM 4 using conditions
11:10AM 7 disabling automatic indexing in acts_as_ferret
7:33AM 6 End-of-File Error occured at <except.c>:103 in xpop_context
Thursday August 24 2006
5:34PM 5 [0.10.0 - acts_as_ferret] Problem while saving new items
5:22PM 1 Hyphenated terms
4:24PM 1 [0.10.0] Random error when big import
3:06PM 2 acts_as_ferret for Ferret 0.10
2:31PM 2 [0.10.0] LazyDoc#fields does not return symbols
10:11AM 4 [0.10.0] Index#search_each options ignored
7:50AM 8 installing ferret
Wednesday August 23 2006
7:07PM 8 acts_as_ferret with Mongrel and Edge Rails
6:22PM 4 Ferret 0.10 and Fields
5:24PM 4 Ferret 0.10.0 bugs
4:33PM 0 Problem after upgrading to ferret 0.10.0
7:55AM 2 Reworking the Index Constructor
Tuesday August 22 2006
7:33PM 2 Two character searchs don''t work
6:11PM 4 Native Extensions on Windows 0.10 series
8:35AM 3 synonyms
Monday August 21 2006
9:54PM 4 indexing multiple languages with acts_as_ferret
8:59AM 6 multiple-index searching with merged results
Sunday August 20 2006
2:07PM 1 sorting with booleans
4:53AM 7 missing terms in index causing search errors
Saturday August 19 2006
9:48PM 11 Need help with multi_search
8:40AM 4 acts_as_ferret causing strange behaviour
Friday August 18 2006
10:32AM 1 Portuguese Stemming
Thursday August 17 2006
8:07PM 1 find_by_contents fails with :include option
3:31PM 3 Ferret locks up when adding items to an index
Wednesday August 16 2006
9:26PM 1 StandardAnalyzer not indexing "some"
2:16PM 6 Experience with ferret on Dreamhost ?
Tuesday August 15 2006
11:55AM 5 Ferret Segmentation Faults
8:33AM 0 Compilation on Solaris
5:37AM 2 Windows build with Visual Studio 2005 - some success
2:50AM 8 Ferret 0.10 series
Monday August 14 2006
9:20PM 1 respond_to? in acts_as_ferret results
6:12PM 3 Ferret 0.9.5
Saturday August 12 2006
5:30PM 2 How to add # anchor to ferret generated url ?
2:30PM 1 How do empty strings affect sorting?
3:19AM 4 Ferret Wierdness
Thursday August 10 2006
10:52PM 1 Timeout when rebuilding index
7:55PM 1 Indexing weirdness
Wednesday August 9 2006
11:53AM 1 problem when updation takes place
Tuesday August 8 2006
11:32AM 1 acts_as_ferret to search partial phrases and fuzzy
Monday August 7 2006
6:41AM 0 Trac cleaned of Spam
Sunday August 6 2006
5:07PM 5 Return only results that user is allowed to see?
Saturday August 5 2006
9:25AM 2 Frustrating locale setting error
Friday August 4 2006
7:43PM 4 Ruby/Gtk Luke port
3:40PM 5 A couple of ferret 0.9.4 exceptions
9:11AM 1 incorrect checksum for freed object?
3:03AM 5 Mongrel Cluster Compatibility
Thursday August 3 2006
2:53PM 2 Index.optimize
3:47AM 0 Grouping results.
Wednesday August 2 2006
9:40AM 2 too many clauses exception
9:14AM 4 Model still using mysql
Tuesday August 1 2006
11:29AM 8 Problem importing lots of records
12:26AM 5 Per field boost values - possible? working?