No-one seems to have answered this yet, hope it's useful. You could
easily encapsulate this into a function if you wanted.
## barplot with dotted lines
tmp <- matrix(runif(30),nrow=5)
defspace <- 0.8
b <- barplot(tmp,beside=FALSE,space=defspace)
mid <- (b[-1]+b[-length(b)])/2
e1 <- mid-defspace/2
e2 <- mid+defspace/2
nr <- nrow(tmp)
nc <- ncol(tmp)
xpos1 <- rep(e1,rep(nr,length(e1)))
xpos2 <- rep(e2,rep(nr,length(e2)))
tmpcum <- apply(tmp,2,cumsum)
ypos1 <- tmpcum[,-nc]
ypos2 <- tmpcum[,-1]
On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, Michael D. Sohn wrote:
> I'm plotting stacked barplots using:
> > barplot(tmp, beside=F)
> This gives me several stacked bars. Each stack is divided into several
> segments. I'd like to add a dotted line from the edge of one segment
> the same edge on the next stacked bar. This might help to see which
> stack shrinks or expands from one stacked bar to the next.
> I'm thinking that I could overlay dotted lines on the barplot. Is
> an easier way? If not, how do I get the location of each of the
> segments?
> thanks,
> Mike
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