Wes Gamble wrote:> All,
> If I want my form action to be a secure target, what is the best way to
> go about doing that?
> I''m trying to do:
> <%= start_form_tag( { :protocol => ''https://'',
:host => request.host +
> '':3001'', :action => ''login'' } )
> in my view, but this doesn''t seem to generate a URL with https://
and my
> SSL host in it.
> What am I missing?
> Wes
OK, my start_form_tag specification doesn''t work because the url_for in
ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper forces the "only_path" option to
in ActionController::Base to be true, which means that the protocol and
host will be ignored.
Can someone explain to me why UrlHelper.url_for is coded this way?
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