Hi, I had a simple javascript function directly in the rhtml with a rails helper in it. Before the page was sent to the client the rails help was of course expanded. Moving it into a separated .js file, the rails code is, once again of course, no more expanded. function save(id) { var el = document.getElementById(''s''+id); el.src = "<%= theme_image_path(''loading.gif'')%>" new Ajax.Request(''/task/save/''+id, {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, onComplete:function(request){eval(request.responseText)}, parameters:Form.serialize(''tr''+id)}); return false; } <%= theme_image_path(''loading.gif'')%> is not more expanded into pure html once it is in a .js file. Is there a way to generate the code before sending the js file to the client ? Or is there another way of doing rails code into js ? Thanks for your help, Mickael.