Greg_Swift at
2011-Jul-27 12:40 UTC
[Gluster-users] anyone else playing with gcollect yet?
I'm messing with it and had to do a few patches to get rid of warnings/errors on my system (it threw lots of warnings cause of my configured options on volumes and there was a traceback do to a typo), but now it just returns empty with a return code of 0. -greg
Greg_Swift at
2011-Jul-27 14:40 UTC
[Gluster-users] anyone else playing with gcollect yet?
gluster-users-bounces at wrote on 07/27/2011 07:40:13 AM:> > I'm messing with it and had to do a few patches to get rid of > warnings/errors on my system (it threw lots of warnings cause of my > configured options on volumes and there was a traceback do to a typo),but> now it just returns empty with a return code of for the sake of discussion... reasons it is returning blank: 1: iterator only goes through number of bricks-1 when evaluating the bricks, manytimes missing the local brick cause I happen to be testing on the last node in the list. patched here: 2: hostname check doesn't work on my system because I don't use hostnames ;) yes yes.. i usually love dns... please don't fight me on this one. working on patch -greg
Phil - Gcollect is agnostic as to the data collector, it is designed to support adding collectors on the fly. Using the collecd-exec plugin and PUTVAL it should be easyish to add collectd support. Here is (roughly) what you need to do - copy ganglia.d/* to collectd.d/* edit the bottom of each file in collectd.d, basically you need to replace the gmetric commands with PUTVALs - gmetric --name=brick_${GLUSTER_BRICK_MP}_disk_read_io --value=${IO_KBS_READ} --type=int32 --units=kilobytes --group=${GLUSTER_VOLNAME} gmetric --name=brick_${GLUSTER_BRICK_MP}_disk_write_io --value=${IO_KBS_WRITE} --type=int32 --units=kilobytes --group=${GLUSTER_VOLNAME} gmetric --name=fuse_net_io_rx --value=${NET_IO_KBS_RX} --type=int32 --units=kilobytes --group=${GLUSTER_VOLNAME} gmetric --name=fuse_net_io_tx --value=${NET_IO_KBS_TX} --type=int32 --units=kilobytes --group=${GLUSTER_VOLNAME} gmetric --name=nfs_net_io_rx --value=${NFS_IO_KBS_RX} --type=int32 --units=kilobytes --group=nfs-common gmetric --name=nfs_net_io_tx --value=${NFS_IO_KBS_TX} --type=int32 --units=kilobytes --group=nfs-common would become something like - PUTVAL $HOSTNAME/$GLUSTER_VOLNAME/$GLUSTER_BRICK_MP/disk_read_io interval=600 N:$IO_KBS_READ PUTVAL $HOSTNAME/$GLUSTER_VOLNAME/$GLUSTER_BRICK_MP/disk_write_io interval=600 N:$IO_KBS_WRITE PUTVAL $HOSTNAME/$GLUSTER_VOLNAME/fuse_net_io_rx interval=600 N:$NET_IO_KBS_RX PUTVAL $HOSTNAME/$GLUSTER_VOLNAME/fuse_net_io_tx interval=600 N:$NET_IO_KBS_TX PUTVAL $HOSTNAME/$GLUSTER_VOLNAME/nfs_net_io_rx interval=600 N:$NFS_IO_KBS_RX PUTVAL $HOSTNAME/$GLUSTER_VOLNAME/nfs_net_io_tx interval=600 N:$NFS_IO_KBS_TX Change line 9 of gcollect.cfg to "collector = collectd" Then you would want to execute gcollect using collectd-exec every 5 min. Does that help you get started? Craig craig at