I am trying to use the Rails Recipe for sending emails with attachments. However, when I add an attachment, my body fails to render. The resulting email has the attachment, but is blank otherwise. In the book, it mentions that this is "broken" in rails 1.0 and to upgrade to a newer version or edge rails. Well, I am running on 1.1.2 and it''s still happening. When I look at my development.log file, it''s saying that it doesn''t recognize "@mycontent" (the variable holding the text of my mailer). However, if @ma is empty, it sees @mycontent just fine. Suggestions? Here is my mailer class: class MarketingMailer < ActionMailer::Base def standard_mailer (_firstname,recipient,_subject,from_name,from_email,_content,_mailer_id, _recipient_id,sent_at = Time.now) @mailer = Mailer.find(_mailer_id) @ma = @mailer.mailerattachments @subject = _subject @recipients = recipient @from = from_name + " <" + from_email + ">" @sent_on = sent_at @headers[''X-Mailer''] = ''PFCSIntranet'' @headers[''MIME-Version''] = ''1.0'' @body = {:mycontent => _content, :firstname => _firstname, :recipient_id => _recipient_id, :mailer_id => _mailer_id } @ma.each do |ma| attachment :body => File.read("#{ma.attachment}"), :filename => ma.attachment[ma.attachment.rindex("/")+1..-1] end end end