On 6/30/06, Justin Forder <justin@justinforder.me.uk>
wrote:> Abdur-Rahman Advany wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Is the development of Rails Cron still active? most of the blog
> > about it are unavailable and it hasn''t been updated for a
long time.
> I asked the author, Kyle Maxwell, about this a month ago, pointing out
> that the wiki referred to in the RailsCron README had no content. He
> said he''d taken the wiki down because nobody had contributed to
> I guess it will fade away unless someone else offers to take it over.
I''m currently reworking my blogs, at my leisure, so I apologize for
the downtime on the articles. RailsCron does all I currently need,
and if anyone has patches, I''d be happy to apply. Active development
will resume when I need something new out of it, and again, send
patches if you want something. I am available at
kyle@kylemaxwell.com, and I monitor the rails list for the keyword
Kyle Maxwell