hello, I am gererateing a missing template error when I overwrite the list part of the scaffold. it seems to have the wrong path to list.rhtml. Looking at the error path (below) it is looking for in a folder called <public>. This seems wierd to me becausae that path does not exist in the frame work. the path should be /Users/dima/Documents/ruby/rails/cookbook/app/views/recipe/list.rhtml it works fine when I remove the list def. is there a way to point it to the right path, or better yet any resean why the path is wrong? sys info: OS X 10.4.6 rails 1.1 (just installed lastest version) I was following thia tutorial: http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2005/01/20/rails.html?page=4 thanks in advance -daddyfristy //////////////////////// ERROR: Template is missing Missing template /Users/dima/Documents/ruby/rails/cookbook/public/../config/../app/views/recipe/list.rhtml CODE: class RecipeController < ApplicationController scaffold :recipe def list @recipes = Recipe.find_all end end /////////////////////////