Hello everybody! I''m a developer from Germany trying to run RadiantCMS on a Mongrel and Apache-powered server, and the processes keep dying away. I''ve been roaming the archives hoping to find a clue to the solution to my problem, but I didn''t get very far, since mostly the given environment or error messages don''t match mine. I''m using a Debian setup in a VM to test my application consisting of - Debian 3.1 Kernel 2.4.27-2-386 - Ruby 1.8.5 (tried 1.8.4 before with same result) - Apache 2.2.3 + mod_proxy_balancer compiled in - Mongrel as of today, running 5 processes - Rubygems 0.9.0 - Radiant 0.5.2 I generate load by having a Firefox-Browser-Extension reload 5 tabs with different pages of the Radiant-managed site each second. All requested pages are part of frontend, the management interface is not accessed. The following messages are from the mongrel.log file in the applications log-directory: Fri Aug 25 22:03:58 +0200 2006: ERROR: closed stream (very many lines like this one) /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel- configurator.rb:270: [BUG] Segmentation fault (once in a while) The first entry doesn''t have a crashed process related to the occurence of the error, the second one does. I had the Mongrel processes running in development mode, what caused the processes to die even quicker, now I changed it to production mode, but still the processes are crashing, though not as quick as in development mode. Most of the time the memory consumption of one or more processes is increasing steadily, but it''s not necessarily the one crashing first. I''d really like to give you more details, so please ask, and I''ll try to document, but since I don''t know what you could possibly need... With very best regards, Hendrik Stier Hendrik Stier EDV Beratung