Hello Tom,
I seem to be missing the big picture here.. can you shed some light?
I have a three interface setup loc,dmz, net
I have 4 global addresses that I want to attach to eth0 (net)
address 1 - fw address
address 2- I want to forward to a (loc)router that uses dynamic dns vpn
(gre) (Yamaha router)
address 3 - web server/Bind9 (dmz)forward port 80,443,53
address 4 - mail server (dmz)pop3, smtp
should I use your sample ifup_local script to make the address aliases?
eth0:0 eth0:1..etc
should I use one-to-one nat for address 2 through 4?
I want my loc users to use the fw address for outbound (masq for eth0:0)?
How would you set up the zones for the 4 addresses?
I have read all of your docs.. but the more I read the more confused I get..
I am sure that there are several ways to setup the firewall... can you give
me some direction? I don''t want you to get techinical.. just a basic
overview of what I should do and I can take it from there.. much thanks..