Hello, could you please provide your thoughts on what I may be missing? gamlss models are supposedly supported by MuMIn yet this one fails: library(MuMIn) #this lm runs linearMod <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ ., data=iris)? options(na.action = "na.fail") res <-dredge(linearMod,beta = T, evaluate = T) confset.95p<-get.models(res, subset = cumsum(weight) <= .95) avgm <- model.avg(confset.95p) predict(avgm,se.fit = TRUE, type="response") #this gamlss fails on dredge(), and writing out the formula does not solve the initial error... gamlssMod <- gamlss(Sepal.Length ~ ., data=iris,)? res <-dredge(gamlssMod,beta = T, evaluate = T) confset.95p<-get.models(res, subset = cumsum(weight) <= .95) avgm <- model.avg(confset.95p) predict(avgm,se.fit = TRUE, type="response") options(na.action = "na.omit")? appreciate any thoughts you may have, Andras?