Are you sure it's not your compiler? That's the first thing I would
check. I know that RedHat is famous for including broken pre-releases of
GCC in their distributions since 7.0.
I'd try recompiling with GCC 3 or GCC 2.95 (available as "kgcc").
-- Asheesh.
On Sat, 16 Mar 2002, Nick Lamb wrote:
> As far as I can tell I've found a serious bug in the command line
> flac encoder :(
> I have created many hundreds of flac files and I was very annoyed to
> discover that the XMMS flac plug-in had intolerably long seek times,
> but since that had been mentioned on this list a bunch of times
> without anyone actually investigating, I thought I had better actually
> find the BUG which causes this.
> 1. I found that this isn't a bug in XMMS or the plug-in, affected
> files will seek VERY slowly in any software that sues libFLAC
> 2. I found that libFLAC was always painfully seeking from the start
> 3. I found that it did this because it always concluded that the
> sample needed was in the first block at the front of the file.
> 4. I found that the SEEKTABLE for my .flac looks like this:
> sample_number: 0 stream_offset: 0 frame_samples: 0
> sample_number: 110592 stream_offset: 0 frame_samples: 0
> sample_number: 221184 stream_offset: 0 frame_samples: 0
> sample_number: 331776 stream_offset: 0 frame_samples: 0
> sample_number: 442368 stream_offset: 0 frame_samples: 0
> sample_number: 552960 stream_offset: 0 frame_samples: 0
> sample_number: 663552 stream_offset: 0 frame_samples: 0
> sample_number: 778752 stream_offset: 0 frame_samples: 0
> etc.
> 5. I found that the command line app "flac" causes this by never
> actually writing the seektable data. It writes an empty seektable
> and then never fills it in. I tested with flac 1.0.2 on Red Hat
> Linux 7.2 with various ordinary upgrades. This has been broken for
> many months AFAICT.
> Does it only do this for me? Josh, can you reproduce this? Because I
> think this is a pretty serious bug, even if it only happens to a few
> people it's still going to require a big rethink and a new release.
> Nick.
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A princess should not be afraid -- not with a brave knight to protect her.
-- McCoy, "Shore Leave", stardate 3025.3