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2020 Feb 13
setOperands(int, Value*)
Hello, I am trying to reset the operands of instructions. What I am doing is, I am finding all Uses of a specific operand in an Instruction and resetting it with a new value using "setOperands(int, Value*)". I am doing as: for (auto vmitr=vm.begin(), vsitr=vs.begin(); vmitr!=vm.end() && vsitr!=vs.end(); vmitr++, vsitr++){ // I have two *Value ( operands) for ( auto myitr
2020 Jan 29
Value &operator=(const Value &) = delete;
Does it mean we can not dereference the Value variables? Value *val = some operand of an instruction; Value *val2= some operand of another instruction; I am trying to rewire the operand values of an instruction using: *val = *val2; It seems that this is not allowed. Thanks, -- Abid M. Malik ****************************************************** "I have learned silence from the
2013 Nov 21
Google Chrome
I have been using CentOS on my laptop for a few days now and it works great! Great work-around for the Fedora GNOME 3 debacle. But I'm starting to miss Google Chrome pretty seriously. Firefox is just not what it once was. It's slow. Spell check is weak. Sometimes it straight up fails to display pages after going "back". There are numerous details like this that just make FF
2020 Jan 19
Instruction arguments
Hello, I am loop over the arguments of a call instruction : ----> for (Value *arg: c->args()){ errs() << *arg << "\n"; arg->print(llvm::errs(), false); errs()<<"\n"; } -----> How can I convert the arg for binary comparison(== etc.)? If I am correct, it is not a string. If the argument is "i32 1",
2012 Sep 13
[LLVMdev] Clang support for CUDA
Hi: Does Clang support CUDA? I am looking for a front end for my compiler that can take CUDA programming framework. Thanks, -- *Abid ****************************************************** "I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind"---Gibran "Success is not for the chosen few, but for the few who choose" --- John
2017 Dec 06
FW: Help for setting up windows unattended installation
On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 2:58 PM, Kenneth Vandb?k <valnurat at> wrote: > I have changed my file as mentioned, but I get this error now: > > command line: "BOOT_IMAGE= wimboot > initrd=Windows7SP2/boot/bcd,Windows7SP2/boot/boot.sdi,Windows7SP2/sources/boot.wim" > Unrecognised argument >
2016 Mar 18
Where are People Storing CTDB's Accounting Files?
Hi All, We're using CTDB to cluster protocols over a large SAN and have had some pain related to a bit of a design flaw: we store CTDB and protocol-specific accounting files (recovery locks, state files, etc) on the same filesystem that we're offering through CTDB itself. This makes our front-end services pretty intolerant of flapping in the back-end filesystem, which is obviously not
2005 Oct 04
LVM & Knoppix
I'm probably missing something very simple. My hard drive looks like this: [root at mavis ~]# fdisk -l Disk /dev/hdb: 163.9 GB, 163928604672 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19929 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/hdb1 * 1 13 104391 83 Linux /dev/hdb2 14
2006 Jan 13
TDMoE - best signalling method?
I'm just experimenting with dynamic spans using TDMoE, which looks ideal for clustering Asterisk boxes with low latency (i.e. 1ms for TDMoE compared with 20ms for IAX). When using normal E1s and T1s, I've always used ISDN signalling: either EuroISDN or NI2. So naturally I tried that over the TDMoE. I've found that I get a lot of HDLC errors and the D-channel is up and down like a
2015 Feb 28
[LLVMdev] LLVM short comings regarding polyhedral and vectorization optimizations
Dear All; Is there any work that discusses ​LLVM framework's short comings regarding auto vectorization and polyhedral optimizations? Regards, > -- Abid M. Malik ****************************************************** "I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind"---Gibran "Success is not for the chosen few, but
2020 Jan 23
Replacing operands in a call instruction
Hello, I am trying to replace a pointer argument of a call instruction with another pointer argument( new argument value for the call instruction). What is the best way to do it? I could not find any hint/guidance on the web or LLVM manual. Thanks, -- Abid M. Malik ****************************************************** "I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the
2006 May 27
Might be buying a Mac
I might be buying a Mac tomorrow. I checked out the new 13.3in MacBook at the new Apple Store on 5th ave in NYC. I''m torn between the smaller MacBook and the MacBook Pro. We have a pro at work and I''m not that thrilled with the way it feels. I like the keyboard much better on the 13inch. However, I think doing development on that small of a screen could get frustrating. Any
2011 Oct 25
Thunderbird slow in talking with dovecot IMAP AND to sendmail
I'm trying to find out what's causing this slowdown -- it's INTOLERABLE.... over 1 minute and less than 1% done. (400MB file)... After trying 3 times, I gave up and logged in using X to the server and ran Tbird from there.... Mail sent out in < 1 minute, though the copy to dovecot took about 50% longer. So... I looked at the network trace. and everyfrackin' body was
2006 May 04
why a perfectly fine iax2 host becomes UNREA CHABLE?
> Is anybody on this list actually using iax2 for > anything mission-critical? Yes. 2K inbound / outbound calls a day to 30 remote locations, aggregated to 2 PRI's tied together with IAX2. All with IP address specified rather than hostname. All with Asterisk 1.0.9. All with 99.9% completion rate, and it would be 99.999% if we weren't using consumer grade DOCSIS cable modems in the
2019 Aug 20
Floating point operations with specific rounding and exception properties
Hi all, During the review of an issue was revealed, which relates to the decision of how compiler should represents constrained floating point operations. If a floating point operation requires rounding mode or exception behavior different from the default, it should be represented by constrained intrinsic (
2012 Sep 01
Vectorial analogue of all.equal()?
Greetings All. Once again, I am probably missing something fairly accessible, but since I can't find it I'd welcome advice! I have a dataframe derived from a text file of data in tabular format. For one of the variables, say X, I want to select the subsets which in which X equals a particular value. Such values are given in the text file like: 2.3978953, and each such value will occurr
2019 Apr 10
Parsing code with newlines
On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 5:06 AM, Tomas Kalibera <tomas.kalibera at> wrote: >> This is my first post here. I came across the very same problem. >> It can be reproduced within modified tests/Embedding/RParseEval.c > > Please check and update > your post if you still need to get help here - from your current post >
2004 Sep 10
Serious bug in FLAC
As far as I can tell I've found a serious bug in the command line flac encoder :( I have created many hundreds of flac files and I was very annoyed to discover that the XMMS flac plug-in had intolerably long seek times, but since that had been mentioned on this list a bunch of times without anyone actually investigating, I thought I had better actually find the BUG which causes this. 1. I found that this isn't a bug in XMMS or the plug-in, affected files will seek VERY slowly in any software...
2013 Feb 14
i386: vm.pmap kernel local race condition
Hi! I've got FreeBSD 8.3-STABLE/i386 server that can be reliably panicked using just 'squid -k rotatelog' command. It seems the system suffers from the problem described here: I could not find any FreeBSD Security Advisory containing a fix. My server has 4G physical RAM (about 3.2G available) and runs squid (about 110M VSS) with 500
2004 Apr 26
[LLVMdev] Testing LLVM on OS X
...that when you say: llvmgcc hello.c -o hello You get a hello.bc file and hello "executable", which is really just a shell script that runs the bytecode file with 'lli'. There are two problems with this: 1) there is no JIT for PPC yet, so LLVM will use the interpreter (which is intolerably slow and has other issues). 2) Spec compiles the executables in one place and them moves them to another, but it only copies the shell script and not the bytecode file, so you get that error message. The normal solution to this problem is to link with the llvmgcc '-Wl,-native' option. T...