Le mardi 14 mars 2006 ? 20:32 +0100, Michel de Boer a ?crit
:> Hello,
> In the internet draft describing the SDP parameters for speex
> I find this:
> mode: Speex encoding mode. Can be {1,2,3,4,5,6,any}
> defaults to 3 in narrowband, 6 in wide and ultra-wide.
> In the documentation I can only find the following request:
> There is no description though what this request does.
> I think the mode somehow maps to the bitrate, but I cannot
> find a table that tells me which mode maps to which bitrate
> for nb, wb and uwb codecs.
Here's the info for narrowband:
For wideband and uwb, the modes are the same as the quality settings
(sorry, don't have a table).
> And what does it mean when mode=any?
Means: "I will take any mode you like".
> Can someone explain me what the mode indicates?
mode == bit-rate.
Note that the draft is still not finished. I'm still looking for someone
who knows this stuff (SIP/SDP/RTP/...) to help me finish it.