Yes, the problem is that as long as nobody as talked yet, it's
impossible to know the level of voice. The only thing I can suggest is
to force a maximal gain or try to detect the situation and not apply AGC
until someone talks.
Le jeudi 11 ao?t 2005 ? 08:49 -0700, Shantanu Gramsci a ?crit
:> Hello All,
> I use AGC as one of speex preprocess options in VOIP application. In
> most cases it works very fine.
> However, at the very beginning of a call when no one has started
> talking [ and some times in the middle of calls], AGC makes large
> noise and it gradually increases. Interestingly, when someone starts
> talking, from that point it works very well.
> Is it the normal behaviour? Since there is no level to compare at that
> point, it may assume no speech as normal talk.
> Can anyone please put some light on this issue. Thanks in advance.
> Regards
> Shantanu
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Jean-Marc Valin <>
Universit? de Sherbrooke